A GREAT VALUE WILD RULER COLT TO LAUNCH OUR FUTURE WITH BEN, WILL & JD HAYES. We were particularly keen to secure a yearling by Wild Ruler, the Gr1 winning son of Snitzel. He was a pre-Christmas Stakes winning 2yo too and we’re looking for early running types. Our Bloodstock Team were very impressed with what they saw of his progeny, particularly the colts and we’re confident we’ve come away with his best son offered at the Sale. Hear what Ben Hayes has to say about this strapping colt in the video below.
Lot 940, is a colt our Bloodstock Team rated very highly. The boys from Lindsay Park were very upbeat about him too, so rather than get into a bidding war, after the horse was knocked down to them for a very reasonable price, we arranged to partner with the successful training outfit.
They already had part of him sold however we managed to secure the remaining shares for syndication, He will race in our colours and under our control. We are very excited A) to have acquired this colt and B) to have Ben, Will and JD train for us and look forward to seeing what this very tidy colt can become.
There has already been significant interest in him with 30% already sold so please don’t hesitate or you might miss the opportunity to race this special colt.
Get in touch with Peter on 0459721111 to register your interest or click here for more info.